Bobobox Indonesia
* with up to 1500 device online
- Infrastructure to manage all IoT devices (registration, firmware update, security, etc)
- Company core firmware SDK of all bobocabin peripheral such as lamp, mood lamp, lock, smart glass, curtain, etc
- Bluetooth based door lock with distance authentication
- Built-in speaker to play audio file or connect via Bluetooth to stream music
Out of Home Adverdising
- Video streaming pipeline to cloud using celluar as streaming backbone
Attendance device
- QR scanning by camera
- Thermal camera to measure human temperature
- Embedded GUI development
- Embedded linux GUI development
- Multiple camera stream and object detection
- Payment Integration
Bike Sharing
- Develop firmware for battery-powered device
- BLE communication to mobile app with custom encryption
- Track fleet using GPS module
LPWAN trial with Ministry of Communication and Informatics to define LPWAN frequency regulation in Indonesia